16. - 18.Februar, Nalanda Contemplative Psychotherapy Program; Mindfulness Year, Retreat im Landguet Ried (Nalanda Retreat)
23. - 25.Februar, Nalanda Contemplative Psychotherapy Program; Embodiment Year, Retreat im Landguet Ried (Nalanda Retreat)
5. - 19.Mai, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Translating, Kiental
30. October - 3.November, Felsentor Retreat, Switzerland, Mensch werde wesentlich - Mahamudra Shamatha und Vipassana (Felsentor)
Humanize Program (31.1. - 27.3.2024)
Positive Intelligence (PQ) Program
Private Coachings and Teachings, ongoing - Teams, Individuals, Organisations
Collaboration with EPFL, Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience, Center for Neuroprosthetics and Brain-Mind Institute, ongoing
Nalanda Institute, Contemplative Psychotherapy Program, Faculty
Fraunhofer Institut, HSG Program
Uni Fribourg, Collaboration with Psychiatric Department, Prof. G.Hasler, ongoing
Nalanda Institute, Contemplative Psychotherapy Program, Faculty
CAS Hochschule Luzern, Self-Leadership
CAS ZHAW Zürich: Agile Organizations
HSG MBA Program, Health Bootcamp
(Y)OUR 2040; ETHZ
1 - 3 December, Center for Mindfulness, Zürich; Was sabotiert meine Meditation?(in German) (Center for Mindfulness Zürich)
29 October - 19 November 2023, Online Program at Barre Center for Buddhist Studies; Reality, Reason, Emptiness and Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism; (for more information: BCBS)
27 - 29 October, Building Resilience; at Roche
15 - 20 October, Lotos Yoga Schule; Meditation und Yoga - Stels (Lotos Yogaschule)
11 - 15 October, Felsentor Retreat, Switzerland, Leerheit und Mitgefühl - über die Essenz der Existenz. (Felsentor)
8 - 10 September, Nalanda Contemplative Psychotherapy Program; Embodiment Year, Retreat im Landguet Ried (Nalanda Retreat)
1 - 3 September, Nalanda Contemplative Psychotherapy Program; Mindfulness Year, Retreat im Landguet Ried (Nalanda Retreat)
Humanize Program
10 - 12 March, Nalanda Contemplative Psychotherapy Program; Compassion Year Retreat im Landguet Ried (Nalanda Retreat)
26 Februar - 4 Juni, Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Zürich; Full Cycle of Teachings on 'The Wheel of Mental Balance' (in German) (Center for Mindfulness, Zürich)
CAS Hochschule Luzern, Self-Leadership
CAS ZHAW Zürich: Agile Organizations
HSG MBA Program, Health Bootcamp
(Y)OUR 2040; ETHZ
2 - 5 March, URBAN GURUS, Level 1, Retreat, Fextal
9 - 13 March, Felsentor Retreat, Switzerland, Bardo Teachings: How to die every day. (Felsentor)
18 - 20 March, Nalanda Contemplative Psychotherapy Program; Retreat im Landguet Ried (Nalanda Retreat)
15 - 29 May, Tsoknyi Rinpoche Retreat, Kiental, Translation
14 - 17 September, URBAN GURUS, Level 3, Retreat, Fextal
Private Coachings and Teachings, ongoing - Teams, Individuals, Organisations
Collaboration with EPFL, Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience, Center for Neuroprosthetics and Brain-Mind Institute, ongoing
Nalanda Institute, Contemplative Psychotherapy Program, Faculty
Fraunhofer Institut, HSG Program
CAS Hochschule Luzern, Self-Leadership
CAS ZHAW Zürich: Agile Organizations
HSG MBA Program, Health Bootcamp
(Y)OUR 2040; ETH
25 - 28 August, URBAN GURUS, Fex Tal, Self-Leadership, Level 2 (English)
5.August: Film Festival Locarno: StepIn on Mental Health, Keynote
21 -25 April, Felsentor Retreat, Switzerland (Mensch werde Wesentlich)
30 April - 1 May, CAS Hochschule Luzern, Agile Leadership
20 - 23 January, URBAN GURUS, Fex Tal, Self-Leadership, Level 1 (English)
26 - 28 November, ZHAW, CAS School for Law and Management
22 November, Meditation and Yoga 2 - Kurzseminar Basel, Lotos Yogaschule Basel
19 - 29 October, BCBS, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, USA
4 - 9 October, Yoga-Meditation Wochen Retreat, Lotos Yogaschule Basel
27 September, Meditation and Yoga 1 - Kurzseminar Basel, Lotos Yogaschule Basel
4 - 6 September, Landguet Ried, Bardo Teachings: How to die every day
21 - 22 August, Stride Self-Leadership Workshop
24 - 31 July, Mingyur Rinpoche, Scotland ABGESAGT
10 - 12 July, Hamburg ABGESAGT
22 - 25 April, The Leadership Circle, Zürich
29 May - 1 June, Meditation in the Alps
10 - 24 May, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Translating, Pundarika, Kientaler Hof, Switzerland - Pundarika.ch ABGESAGT
1 - 5 April, Felsentor Retreat, Switzerland (Mensch werde Wesentlich)
16 Februar - 14 Juni 2020, Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Zürich; Full Cycle of Teachings on 'The Wheel of Mental Balance' (in German) (Center for Mindfulness, Zürich)
20 March, Yoga Training, Joh. Glarner
10 - 12 March, HSG, PPG Module, Germany
9 March, HSG Advanced Management Program, St.Gallen
20 February, CAS Module on Agile Organizations, ZHAW
19 January, Biennale Lucern,
Private Coachings and Teachings, ongoing
Collaboration with EPFL, Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience, Center for Neuroprosthetics and Brain-Mind Institute, ongoing
28-30 November, ZHAW, CAS School for Law and Management
21 - 24 November, BCBS, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, USA - Bio-Neuroscience of Compassion, w/Ven Analayo
7 - 8 November, HSG Management School
30 October, HSG Management School
24 - 27 October, Mind and Life European Symposium for Contemplative Science, München
18 - 19 October, Stride Workshop for Entrepreneurs
5 - 10 October, Lotos Yoga Schule Meditations Retreat, Kiental
28 Sept, Lotos Yoga Schule Weiterbildung, Basel
4 - 8 September, Felsentor Retreat, Switzerland (Natur des Geistes)
20 - 21 June, Weiterbildung Schule Wettingen
11 - 15 June, ENCECON Mind and Life Research Group
4. June, Junge Wirtschaftskammer Luzern, Luzern
22 April - 5 May, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Translating, Kamalashila Center, Germany
25 February, HSG Advanced Management Program, St.Gallen
15 - 17 February, Mind and Life Europe, General Assembly Association Members 2019
22 - 23 March, Stride Workshop for Entrepreneurs
24 Februar - 26 Mai, Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Zürich; Full Cycle of Teachings on 'The Wheel of Mental Balance' (in German) (Center for Mindfulness, Zürich)
25 - 27 January, Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Zürich; Introduction to 'The Wheel of Mental Balance' (in English) (Center for Mindfulness, Zürich)
29 November - 2 December, "The Sattipatthana Sutra: How the Buddha taught Mindfulness", Landguet Ried, Bern (Teachings)
21 - 22 November, Basel Art School, Workshop: The Tibetan Book of the Dead
18 November, Weiterbildung Yogaschule Lotos (Rosmarie Herczog) INFO PDF
16 November, ZHAW, CAS School for Law and Management
15 November, Amcor, HSG Corporate Programs, St.Gallen, Switzerland
2 - 4 November, Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Zürich; Introduction to 'The Wheel of Mental Balance' (in German) (Center for Mindfulness, Zürich)
23-24 October, PPG, HSG Corporate Programs, St.Gallen, Switzerland
9 - 14 Juli, Meditation + Yoga Weiterbildung Retreat, Switzerland (Rosmarie Herczog) INFO PDF
6-11 June, University of Coimbra, Portugal
14 June, Novartis, Basel, Switzerland
23 - 27 Mai, Felsentor, Switzerland (in German) (www.felsentor.ch)
6 - 20 May, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Kiental, Switzerland
3 March - 6 June, Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Zürich; Full Cycle of Teachings on 'The Wheel of Mental Balance' (in German) (Center for Mindfulness, Zürich)
3 May, EPFL, Living Lab Lausanne, Circular Economy Academy, Workshop
10 April, Events with Richard Davidson, Landguet Ried, (Landguet Ried and University of Bern)
7 - 8 April, Basel, Switzerland INFO PDF
24 - 25 März, STRIDE, Inner Leadership training
22 März Business as unUsual, Impact Hub
19 March, HSG Advanced Management Program, St.Gallen, Switzerland
9 - 11 März, Geneva (www.ressource-mindfulness.ch) INFO PDF
24 February, Mind and Life Europe
22-23 February, Faurecia Finance, Europe Controllling
19 - 20 January, Biennale Lucerne, The Enigma of Consciousness, Lucern, Switzerland (Biennale Lucern)
13 - 17 December, Felsentor, Switzerland (in German) (www.felsentor.ch)
24 November, Stride
22 - 23 November, Research EPFL, Switzerland
12 - 18 November, Research, Lyon, France
27 - 29 Oct, Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Zürich; Introduction to 'The Wheel of Mental Balance' (in German) (Center for Mindfulness, Zürich)
6 - 13 October, Barre Retreat with Bhikkhu Anaalayo, USA
28 September, Swiss Re, Corporate Risk Solutions, Zürich
15/16 September, Zehnder, Amsterdam
29 Sept - 1 Oct, Center for Mindfulness, Amsterdam, Nederlands (www.CVM.nl)
9 - 10 September, Paredes de Coura, Porto, Portugal (Paredes de Coura Congress)
1 - 8 July, Dordogne Teachings, France
28 June, Faurecia, Finance Convention, Paris
16 - 18 June, Ripa Center Landguet Riet, Bern, (www.landguet.ch)
27 June, Novartis, Zürich
11 June, Lotos Yoga Weiterbildung, Basel
8 June, Faurecia, Engineers Global Convention, Evian
9 June, Haus der Religionen, Bern
29 May, Metall Zug, Zug, Switzerland
24 May - 4 June, Translating for Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Switzerland
18 - 21 May, Ganden Chökhor, Churwalden, Switzerland (in German) (www.ganden.ch)
8 May, Resilience, McKinsey/Egon Zehnder, London, UK
28 - 30 April, Retreat, Portugal (dhcoimbra)
27 April, University of Coimbra, Portugal (dhcoimbra)
6 - 9 April, Villa Unspunnen, Switzerland (in German) (www.villaunspunnen.ch)
5 April, Faurecia, HR Global Convention, Paris
23 March, HSG St.Gallen, Business School, Advanced Management Program, Switzerland
12. Feb - 28. May, Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Zürich; Full Cycle of Teachings on 'The Wheel of Mental Balance' (Center for Mindfulness, Zürich)
23 Feb: Vipassana Zentrum, Rieterstrasse, Bern
18 & 19 Feb, Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Basel (www.zentrum-fur-achtsamkeit.ch)
27. - 29. January, Zentrum für Achtsamkeit, Zürich; Introduction to 'The Wheel of Mental Balance' (in German) (Center for Mindfulness, Zürich)
2. - 3. December, STRIDE unSchool for Leadership, Zürich: Self-Leadership (www.stride-learning.ch)
26. - 27. November, Center for Mindfulness, Amsterdam; Introduction to 'The Wheel of Mental Balance' (Center voor Mindfulness, Amsterdam)
22 - 24 October, Pure Yoga Teacher Training, Switzerland
21.November, Lions Club, Forch, Switzerland
Forma Futura, Zürich, Self Sustainability Training, Switzerland
InterCommunity School, Zumikon, Teacher Training, Switzerland
13. - 16. October, Landguet Ried, Berne (www.landguet.ch)
10. October, STRIDE unSchool for Leadership, Zürich: Self-Leadership (www.stride-learning.ch)
24 - 25 September, KRF/MindField, Lisbon, Portugal (in English)
15 September, Business Village D4, Root, (www.D4-Root.ch)
2 September, ETH Lausanne, University Geneva, Switzerland
25 - 28 August, Ganden Chökhor, Churwalden, Switzerland (in German) (www.ganden.ch)
6 – 10 July, Felsentor, Switzerland (in German) (www.felsentor.ch)
19 June, Shima Institute, Zürich, Switzerland (in German) (www.shimainstitut.ch)
6 - 10 June, Mind and Life Encecon Retreat, France
30 - 31 May, KRF/MindField, Lisbon, Portugal (in English)
21 May, Landguet Ried, Berne (www.landguet.ch)
1 Mai, Pure Yoga Teacher Training, Switzerland
21 – 24 April, Villa Unspunnen, Switzerland (in German) (www.villaunspunnen.ch)
7 - 9 April, Mountain Wisdom, Meditation Deep Dive, Guarda Val, Switzerland (in English)
16 - 17 March, ReSource Teacher Program, Berlin, Germany
13 - 15 March, KRF, Lisbon, Portugal
4 – 6 March, ReSource Project Retreat, Berlin, Germany
February, March, April, May: Leadership and Teachers, InterCommunity School, Zumikon
16 January, The Enigma of Human Consciousness, Biennale Lucerne, Switzerland (www.neugalu.ch)
18 January, “The Fearless Heart” with Thupten Jinpa, D4, Root, Switzerland
8 January – 10 January, ReSource Project Retreat, Berlin, Germany
28 August – 3 September, Mind and Life Europe, Summer Research Institute, Germany
9 October, Haus der Religionen, Bern (http://buddhismus-bern.ch/?page_id=7)
28 October - 1 November, Felsentor, Switzerland (in German) (www.felsentor.ch)
23 October – 25 October, ReSource Project, Berlin, Germany
13 November – 15 November, Weinrebstiftung, Reichenau
22 November – 24 November , Mountain Wisdom Forum, Guarda Val, Switzerland
12 December – 18 December, Mind and Life Conference, Sera Monastery, India